case study

Location-Based Social Network App Development - Hango App

Social Media

  • Geolocation
  • Mobile Development
  • Low-Code
  • BaaS
  • MVP

Location-Based Social Network App Development - Hango App


NDA Protected

  • image USA
  • image 1-10 employees

Private entrepreneur with start-up idea


request background

Rapid MVP

The client came to us with an idea of a location-based social network app startup and wanted to test a hypothesis on a quickly developed MVP version.


Cost-efficient solution

We were quite tight on a budget and deadlines.


  1. Develop a cross-platform proximity-based social network MVP solution within a limited time.


Development path

  • image React Native, Google Firebase
  • image Ongoing
  • image 4 specialists

Together, we discussed the idea of a location-based social network and application functions. We set up a team for the required expertise and budget, and delivered an MVP on time in just three months. The utilization of Google Firebase allowed us to concentrate on the business logic of the app, while the whole backend part was already developed.


Perfect product in tight deadlines

  • Still, the market response in the location was quite low and the app was shut down.

Have a business idea?

Feel free to contact us and get a free social media development consultation session.

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