use cases of blockchain in different industries globally

Key Takeaways

  • Key industries using blockchain include finance, supply chain, healthcare, real estate, oil and gas, media, and education.
  • Blockchain technology is now utilized by 81% of the world’s leading public companies.
  • By automating and digitizing processes, it boosts efficiency and speed, with smart contracts seamlessly executing tasks when predefined conditions are fulfilled.
  • As blockchain adoption continues to surge, the global market is expected to reach $23.55 billion in 2024.
  • By 2029, it’s projected to soar to $152B with a CAGR of 45.2%.

With the all-encompassing reliance on data and its integrity, blockchain technology has gained impressive traction and applications across different industries. The common use cases of blockchain-based software are centered around secure, transparent transactions and goods tracking.

Blockchain is no longer associated only with cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. Businesses are now uncovering its potential to increase fairness and reduce operational costs. From revolutionizing contract enforcement to streamlining government operations, blockchain is driving significant improvements in efficiency and accountability across numerous sectors.

Recognized as a leading blockchain developer, Acropolium provides secure and well-encrypted solutions for payments, cloud adoption, IoT integrations, and documentation. Today, we will give an overview of applications of blockchain technology based on our digital ledger expertise and recent market statistics.

What is Blockchain Technology?

blockchain use cases and market overview for 2024

A blockchain is a decentralized ledger storing a growing list of digital records, known as blocks, which are linked together through cryptography. Each block contains a unique cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction details. This system is shared across many computers, ensuring that no single entity controls the data.

Once recorded, transactions cannot be changed without modifying all subsequent blocks and gaining consensus from the entire network, making the system secure and tamper-resistant. This level of independence, access, and protection contributes to the growing number of blockchain use cases in many business operations.

blockchain applications examples and market spending in 2024

With its rising adoption, the global blockchain market is projected to be valued at $23.55B in 2024. Moreover, it is expected to grow to $152B by 2029, with a CAGR of 45.2%. At the same time, this technology, along with AI and ML, is considered one of the most invested, with $19B spent globally in 2024.

Blockchain Use Cases in Major Industries

blockchain use cases by industry statistics for 2024

Blockchain is reshaping how data and transactions are managed within numerous industries. Currently, 81% of the world’s largest public companies are using blockchain technology. By digitizing and automating processes, blockchain fosters both speed and efficiency, with smart contracts automatically executing tasks once predefined conditions are met.

Businesses invest in technology for enterprise applications, MVPs, and other cloud-based software to boost operational security and performance. As a result, blockchain unlocks opportunities for growth and innovation for businesses of any field.

Below are some key industries where blockchain is making a significant impact.

Blockchain in Banking and Fintech

The applications of blockchain technology in finance aim to increase transaction speed, improve security, and reduce costs. The trending technology enables faster international transactions by eliminating intermediaries. Ripple, a blockchain network, allows banks and financial institutions to process real-time cross-border payments more efficiently.

Blockchain is also used in decentralized finance platforms like Aave and Compound. They enable users to interact with cryptocurrencies without relying on traditional financial intermediaries

As an IT outsourcing vendor, Acropolium has also witnessed blockchain use cases in finance. Our client, a crypto exchange developer, requested to integrate blockchain into their software for more transparency and data security. In just four months, the platform saw a 43% user base growth, a 44% rise in daily trading volume, and a 30% cut in infrastructure maintenance costs after migrating to a SaaS-based system.

Blockchain in Healthcare

examples of blockchain applications in healthcare business operations

Being one of the hottest healthcare tech trends, blockchain addresses critical issues like data security, patient privacy, and interoperability with other systems. For instance, Medicalchain uses blockchain to store patient health records securely. This allows patients to control access and share their medical data with healthcare providers.

Another example of utilizing blockchain for industry operations is drug traceability. Pharmaceutical companies like IBM track drug production and distribution with the help of blockchain, ensuring transparency and reducing counterfeit medications.

Blockchain in Supply Chain and Logistics

Blockchain builds transparency and traceability in supply chains, enabling better tracking of goods and reducing fraud. Companies like Maersk provide real-time visibility and data sharing across global logistics with blockchain-based platforms.

FedEx is one of the logistics businesses that use blockchain successfully and follow the latest tech trends. They implement smart contracts for process automation, ensuring faster deliveries and reduced paperwork.

Getting back to supply chain platforms, we had cooperation with an oil and gas company that wanted to achieve robust data analytics features and secure IoT-based product visibility through smart contracts.

Blockchain in Government and Public Sector

The unalterable and transparent nature of blockchain can significantly enhance government operations. Blockchain use cases for public operations serve as solutions for secure identity management, transparent voting systems, and efficient public records management, transforming how governments function.

First off, it can prevent election fraud by providing a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof voting system. In West Virginia, blockchain technology was used back in 2018 for absentee voting, ensuring vote integrity. Dubai is also using blockchain for real estate and public record-keeping, reducing administrative tasks and increasing trust in government services.

Blockchain in Energy, Oil & Gas

blockchain for industry operations in oil and gas field business

Often SaaS-based, blockchain applications are being adopted to optimize energy trading, and efficiency in the energy sector. Vakt, a blockchain platform, automates the trade settlement process and optimizes documentation.

Peer-to-peer energy trading stands among the most popular uses of blockchain technology. Thus, Powerledger uses the technology to help users trade excess renewable energy with their neighbors, increasing energy efficiency and reducing costs.

Blockchain in Real Estate

In real estate, the use cases of blockchain are all about automation and security through tokenization. Tokenizing real estate assets enables fractional ownership, increasing liquidity and accessibility for investors.

Smart contracts further streamline the process by automating transactions, minimizing paperwork, and ensuring swift, secure ownership transfers. Atlant is one of the tools that allows investors to buy fractions of property through tokenization.

Furthermore, governments in countries like Georgia and Sweden use blockchain to manage land registries, ensuring transparent ownership and reducing fraud.

Blockchain in Education

Of all industries that use blockchain, the education sector leverages cutting-edge technologies to securely store academic credentials and improve verification processes. The University of Nicosia issues academic certificates on the blockchain, allowing employers or institutions to verify qualifications instantly.

At the same time, MIT uses blockchain to issue tamper-proof diplomas, which allows graduates to share verified credentials with potential employers.

Blockchain in Media

Lastly, blockchain can address issues like content piracy, intellectual property protection, and royalty distribution in the media industry. Audius, a decentralized music streaming platform, uses distributed ledgers to ensure artists receive fair compensation and royalties directly, bypassing traditional intermediaries. As an example, to track digital image ownership, Kodak launched KodakOne, a platform that helps photographers protect their intellectual property.

Applications of Blockchain Technology Across Industries

Blockchain is revolutionizing data management and transactions across multiple industries. It improves efficiency, speeds up processes, and introduces automation through smart contracts, which trigger actions when conditions are met. This technology enhances security, fosters trust, and opens new pathways for innovation and growth across various sectors:

  • In banking and financial services, blockchain ensures secure, fast transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries.
  • Healthcare benefits from blockchain use cases by enabling secure sharing of patient data, improving privacy and accuracy.
  • In supply chain and logistics, it amplifies transparency and tracking, ensuring the authenticity of products.
  • Government and public sectors use blockchain to streamline services like voting and public records, while the energy and oil & gas industries leverage it for efficient, transparent energy trading.
  • Blockchain also brings new efficiencies to real estate through automated contract processing and secure property records. In education, it securely stores academic credentials.
  • The media industry benefits from secure content distribution and intellectual property protection.

Whatever sector or niche you operate in, whether your business is a startup or a large enterprise, it takes diverse expertise to unlock the power of blockchain.

That’s why companies worldwide contract nearshore or offshore IT outsourcing agencies with a strong knowledge of modern technologies and architectures.

Final Thoughts

Blockchain technology is transforming industries across the globe, offering innovative solutions to long-standing challenges. Its secure, transparent, and efficient features offer value for businesses striving to maintain competitiveness. Whether in finance, supply chain, real estate, or advertising, the many use cases of blockchain offer new possibilities for growth and success.

By understanding and leveraging these applications, business executives can harness the full potential of distributed ledger to drive innovation and enhance operations. If you’re ready to explore its possibilities, Acropolium is here to make it happen.

Acropolium is a trusted vendor with a proven track record of delivering secure, GDPR-compliant software using ISO-certified processes. Experts in legacy system integration, custom cloud solutions, BaaS, and FaaS, we offer a subscription-based service covering all secure development needs for a monthly fee.

Contact us to unlock new business opportunities with the power of blockchain and more!

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