case study

Car Dealer Chatbot Development


  • Chatbots

Car Dealer Chatbot Development


NDA Protected

  • image Ukraine
  • image 200+ employees

Premium cars dealer network


request background

Automate the automotive

We were asked to find a solution that could automate the processes of car selection and sale.


Long car sale process

Back then, every client had to spend hours on consultations in the dealership, which significantly increased the duration of the car sale process.


  1. Cut down the car sale funnel time
  2. Increase customers loyalty
  3. Enlarge number of new clients


Our development steps

  • image NodeJs, VueJS
  • image 3+ months
  • image 3 specialists

Considering the client’s request, we came up with a car dealership chatbot development solution that had three main scenarios. The first one covered the people who had no car. The chatbot generated the questionnaire list and suggested the car selection, based on the answers. The second one was for the clients who were already in the purchase process; they were given options for a test drive. And the last scenario was for the ones who had bought the car already. They were given an FAQ, where they could find the solutions to their possible car issues. They also could read a car manual online without having to download it.


Successful chatbot development

  • Client loyalty increase by 62 percent
  • Number of new clients increased by 30 percent
  • Sales funnel time decreased by 38 percent

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